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Gantry Cranes

Gantry Cranes with ProservCrane Group

A gantry crane is similar to a bridge crane (both overhead cranes) with the exception of the runway traverse being on the ground floor. Gantries can run on rails, on the ground, or on polyurethane wheels; it all depends on the application and design of the building where the crane is being installed. That’s where ProservCrane Group can help you with a custom gantry crane for your operations. Whatever your specifications, we have 1 to 5 ton gantry cranes for sale, so check us out.

ProservCrane Group is a certified dealer of gantry cranes for companies such as Gorbel and SPANCO, which are both great solutions for 1 to 5 ton capacities which offer both fixed and adjustable heights. We also have the capability to manufacture custom gantry cranes in-house to your specifications. The design of a gantry crane is a complex task because it is like designing a runway and a bridge crane to move as one, and often at speeds well over 100 ft. per minute.

Custom Gantry Crane

Gantry cranes are durable structures that are used to straddle an object or an entire workspace. They come in different sizes and capacities. For example, they can be enormous when they’re at a shipping yard or smaller in a mechanic shop to lift engines out of cars. Gantry cranes are often referred to as overhead cranes, or bridge canes; however, the difference is that a gantry crane is mobile. Depending on the size, a gantry crane moves on wheels or on rails. Get in touch with ProservCrane Group for more details on gantry cranes. Our expert staff is knowledgeable with gantry cranes and they’ll be able to answer any questions or address any concerns you might have about gantry cranes.

At ProservCrane we can build both semi and full gantries using the same process we use to manufacture our other world class products. We have built gantries up to 250 tons with many different configurations. No matter what you need, we’ll be able to deliver on the solution.

When you need a custom gantry crane, it is best to contact ProservCrane Group today so we can help you design the best gantry crane for your business.


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