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Overhead Crane Load Testing

For the safety of your employees and workplace, overhead crane load testing is required by OSHA law. These tests ensure that your lifting equipment is in proper working order before you start using it for work.

What is a Load Test?

During load tests, we will intentionally overload cranes to evaluate their condition. You should be able to safely lift and move the load through regular motions. ProservCrane wants to ensure the safety of your facility, so we conduct load tests for up to 125% to verify your equipment meets OSHA standards. Hooks, hoist chains and wire ropes must be checked daily, but heavy or severe load tests should be inspected semi-annually or quarterly. Heavy service is considered at the use of 80 to 100 percent of capacity, while severe service happens under unusual conditions like high or low temperatures, poor weather and other hazardous conditions.

What Does the Test Include?

Before using a new crane, it must be tested for the following functions:

  • Hoisting and lowering
  • Trolley travel
  • Bridge travel
  • Limit switches, locking and safety devices
  • Rated load test

The trip setting of hoist limit switches will be determined by tests with an empty hook. The hook travels at increasing speeds up to the maximum speed. The actuating mechanism of the limit switch will be located so that it trips the switch, under any conditions. This must happen with sufficient time to prevent contact from the hook or block the hook with any part of the trolley.

Why is Load Testing Necessary?

Load testing is mandatory. It reveals functional errors that occur under stress and lowers the risk of serious incidents involving overhead cranes and hoists. It is also essential to learn what the performance restrictions and breaking points are for lifting equipment. We will appoint a designated individual to perform duties as an operator during the load test.

Contact Us

If you want to learn more about our crane load testing services, contact ProservCrane today. We're here to make sure everyone at your business is safe and productive throughout the year, under any circumstances.

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